- Oslo, Norway
Nobody is unhappy when eating good food!
Humans are the only species on earth who actually enjoys both cooking and eating. So why shouldn't we be grateful for choices we have, and enjoy our food experiences?
I came from poor family in Japan, and ended up living with 4 different families in 3 differnt countries who were kind enough to take me in. I have learned to be open to new things, appreciate what we have, not to waste, and be creative. I was so curious how people eat the same ingredients but cooked in a different way in different countries. The experiences helped me in every way when I studied to be a cook. After a while, I studied a bit more, and I have been fortunate enough to start a litte company, specialized in traditional Japanese tea cakes.
Thus, this website is more about tips and tricks, instead of recipes - things I have learned.
This website is dedicated to my friends who inspired me with their questions, convinced me that these information are useful, and encouraged me to share.
If you are looking at my website, I believe you are already curious enough about potencial of joy which food brings to our lives.
I am happy to share what I know. Thank you for visiting this site!
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